+27 (0)23 342 3167 cwhouseofhope@breede.co.za

How you can help

As we are striving to achieve the following;

  • Restoration of families and incividuals
  • Provide physical, emotional and spiritual support
  • Through training and service delivery make a positive change in the community

To do this we desperately need funds and expertise to achieve the following:

  • Grow awareness of the services offered by the WHOH.
  • Grow a volunteer base.
  • Implement marketing skills and training.
  • Upgrade business systems.
  • Establish fund raising events.
  • Enhance the level of client engagement.
  • Improve our product and service.

So if there is any way you are able to assist in these areas, please fill in the form on our contacts page and we can get back to you.